Make a WISH with JOY


Japanese food and culture have a great impact on Hong Kongers,

the artist selectively picked the two Japanese traditional cultural items for this series:

KENDAMA , a wooden toy with a long history in Japan, and now become a trendy sport among the youth all over the world. DARUMA DOLL , a spiritual item for Japanese people purchasing from temples to make their wish and also as a decoration bringing fortune at home in modern era.

Artist made use of these mediums to express her appreciation of Japanese traditional culture and craftsmanship, while implying her personal will to encourage people enjoying the pleasant present moment,making a wish with joy in the era of uncertainties. 

The Royal Couple

are the iconic figure in Japan to represent Fortune and Joy of Family.

The Daruma Doll carries people's wishes, while the Kendama brings joy to the players. Both contains important values to us during this pandemic period:


The Black & White Pearl

The natural beauty and treasure from the sea.

The Akoya Pearls are the symbol of Japan, and being cultured in Japanese Sea Water.

Make your own wish

Make your wish and draw one eye with black ink onto the Daruma Doll, after the wish is fulfilled, draw another eye with black ink on the doll as an act of thanks giving.

If you are purchasing the doll from a temple, you have to return it to the temple and burn it at its original place after the fulfillment of your wish. 

About Kendama


Old record of Kendama was dated in France in the 16th century when King Henry III. Pierre de Estois wrote, "In the summer of 1585, the kings began to play" Bill Bokeh, "which children often play on the streets." This is supported by the fact that Frederick Granfeld's "GAMES OF THE WORLD" also contains an article that King Henry III liked to play this game.


Kendama appeared in the old Japanese literature in "Kenkai Kakuriki Zue Kensara Sumo Zue Shita" (1809) 

Documents showed that the basic design of the modern model was born in Japan during the Taisho era, it was called “Sun Moon Ball”

The Japan Kendama Association was established on May 5, 1975 and it unified the rules of competition and name of tricks.

Around 2004, an American young guy brought a Kendama back to the US, shared his own playing technique through a series of video on the internet, it turned Kendama into a worldwide fashionable sport to attract youngsters globally, until now individual Kendama Associations are flourishing in different cities.

The Model OZORA

It is produced by Yamagata Koubou Co founded in 1973. 1978 November -  Began producing Official Kendama, 2009 May -  producing OZORA Kendama.

"Nature’s bounty, The beauty of wooden works, Fusion of traditional and modern technique".

High quality official Kendama are made with Zelkowa, Maple, Beech and Cherry wood collected from Nagai City, all cultivated by the water and soil of Mount Hayama , then being polished by skilled Japanese artisan with professional craftsmanship and inspection. 

The craftsmanship contains the gratitude of nature’s blessing to deliver the best products to bring joy to children and adult players.

About Daruma


The Daruma is modeled after Bodhidharma, a monk accredited with the founding of Zen Buddhism, who seems to have lived between the 5th and 6th centuries CE. He meditated in a seated position for 9 years, caused the loss of his arms and legs. So the Daruma dolls, in all its aspects, symbolize Bodhidharma’s position and features.


The Daruma are crafted with a special kind of hand-made papier-mâché called washi and hand-painted by artisans.

Nowadays artists and toy makers also produce Daruma with various materials: clay, plastic and cement.

There is no other best time

to make a wish with joy,

but NOW!

About the artwork

The Royal Couple 天皇與皇后

Hong Kong.2021

Material: Acrylic marker on natural wood made Kendama

Size: 18x7x4 cm

Kendama is made in Japan

Brand: (Prince)  SHINFUJI 新富士  JKA16-2型 競技用けん玉 新富士 黒

, (Princess) TK16マスタ TK16 Master 競技用けん玉 

* The artwork Prince is a revamp of a friend’s old used Kendama to give its 10+ years old Kendama a new look. 

  The artwork Princess is artist own item to start learning the technique of playing, the given look enhance the playing experience

Both models are no longer being produced by the brand. 

(Private Collection)

Black & White. Pearl  黑白。珍珠

Hong Kong.2021

Material: Acrylic marker on Beech, cherry tree made Kendama

Size: 18x7x4 cm

Kendama is made in Japan

Brand: 大空 Ozora 競技用けん玉

(Artwork for sale)

Red. White 紅白

Hong Kong.2021

Material: Acrylic marker on clay made doll

Size: 4.5x4x4 cm

Doll is made in Japan

It contains a message of fortune telling at the bottom

(Artwork for sale)

Contact Artist


If you have any enquiries on artwork or collaboration ideas,

please feel free to contact artist for discussion.

